Archive 2012 — 2023

The nonprofit cultural association, toucouler e.V., has since 2007 engaged in the intercultural dialogue between Africa and Germany. With the “AFRIKAMERA – current cinema from Africa” film festival, toucouleur e.V. seeks to counter the lack of awareness towards contemporary African film production in the German capital.



Assisted by the film media, AFRIKAMERA presents the overwhelming diversity of the African continent, consisting not only of the “typical” problems , such as violence, deceases and natural desasters, to the Berliner audience. These stereotype images and opinions regarding the continent will be contrasted by the diverse facets of the actual everyday life in Africa, thus made perceptible for the movie goer.

AFRIKAMERA sees itself as a new permanent platform for dialogue between African moviemakers and the Berliner audience, and as a venue for exchange between filmmakers, producers and distributors. To attain this, AFRIKAMERA cooperates with African film festivals, from Marrakesh to Durban.

The AFRIKAMERA Festival are under the patronage of Dr. Uschi Eid.